3 Conversion Errors that are Causing Customers to Leak

If you have an online business up and running, with a functioning website, a blog with useful content and publications on social networks to capture the attention of the target audience and attract it to your website, you definitely have a sales funnel.

The truth of the case is that not being 100% clear of the existence of a sales funnel can be forcing you to make certain conversion errors and that leads to customer leakage.

Errors in your sales funnel that are costing you dearly

Now that you have your online business up and running, you should surely know that the online consumer is eager, anxious and likes to get what he wants amazingly fast. Based on this, ask yourself: Is my sales funnel simple and fast?

First mistake: Too many steps to travel in the sales funnel

It is clear that Inbound Marketing is an effective philosophy, however, nowhere is it explained that the conversion process must be made up of too many steps that move the consumer away from the final conversion.

Once the user accesses the website link to read a blogpost, it is very likely that he will get a CTA. Next, they must fill in a form, confirm their email and finally acquire what was initially offered.

During this process, the user is subjected to completing a series of steps that he is not willing to perform.

So, based on this hypothetical case, you should ask yourself, what you must do to allow the user to follow the natural conversion process.

A sales funnel with too many steps can cause a lot of trouble to the customer. For example:

Second mistake: You were not exact in the creation of your Buyer

The creation of profiles that describe who your target audience is basic and elementary to create your strategies. Otherwise it means that you are going to be throwing arrows without knowing clearly who you are hunting.

You can also learn about your ideal customer by analyzing the behavior of your website; page views, duration time for each visit, where the traffic comes from. 

Why is it considered a conversion error? It’s simple. The type of strategies you’re going to implement to attract and convert depends on the definition of your buyer. For example, knowing who your profiles are composed of, you will be able to know if they are willing to give more information than what is needed to complete a form.

In digital marketing, a sales funnel must be strategically planned and created, otherwise, you find yourself with thousands of conversion errors, which you could never understand.

Third error: Qualification and transfer of the prospectus inadequately

In Inbound Marketing there is something that we usually call lead scoring, and it works as a kind of filter to determine when a prospect is of quality and has everything to become a client soon.

It basically measures the commitment level of the lead and is qualified by two ratings:

  • Cold Lead: It is the one that is at the beginning of the sales funnel and has registered in a subscription, etc.
  • Hot Lead: They have been reiterative in their interactions with the company and have taken a further step towards conversion. For example, adding a product to a cart but abandoning it later.

There are other actions to qualify a lead, but let’s say that to understand the process and the level of commitment, you can take this example.

Now, an unmistakable qualification can make the Marketing team send it to Sales, when in fact that lead is not ready to buy, so the actions of both teams are a lost arrow.

Think about giving your funnel a new twist to optimize all of its phases and the prospect will be comfortable with everything you are asking to push it towards the end of the funnel. If you are not sure how to do it, contact Synthesis Studios today and let us help you in optimizing your sales funnel!

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